How to Do Risk Management in Option Trading as a Beginner?

Option trading can be a great way to make money, however, it involves some risk. As a beginner, it’s important to understand the different methods of risk management available. This helps you navigate your option trading in the right direction and mitigate the risk in order to better your chances of gains. 

The first step in protecting yourself from any downfall in this derivative instrument is to learn option trading. You can consider taking option trading courses to have a strong foundation of the concept. Once you have that, you can build a better risk management plan based on your unique profile.

In this article, we will discuss how to do risk management in option trading as a beginner, and some key strategies to consider when trading option. But before that, let us understand why risk management is important.

Importance of Risk Management in Option Trading

Risk management is a key component of successful option trading and is especially important for beginners. As with any form of trading, there is always a risk that the option could expire worthless if the price of the underlying asset does not move in your favor. 

Risk management is also important to help traders maintain a clear mindset. Without a proper risk management plan, traders may become emotionally attached to their positions, which can lead to impulsive decisions and poor trading performance. This is why traders must understand the different methods of risk management and how they can be used to protect themselves from potential losses. 

You can choose to start option trading without considering risk management. However, you have a much better chance of achieving consistent success with these methods in your trading routine.

Risk Management Methods for Option Trading Beginners

Risk management is all about understanding the fundamentals of option trading and making informed decisions. Here’s how to do risk management in option trading as a beginner before starting your trading journey.

1. Do Your Research

Do not fall for β€˜trends’ set up by people proclaiming to be trading experts online or on social media platforms. Give weightage to news only from credible portals when making trade decisions. While information from trusted sources can be a good starting point, it does not have to be the backbone of your research. Learn to read the live market scan and option contracts to spot trading opportunities. Trust your skills and be cautious.

2. Size Your Positions

An important aspect of risk management is position sizing. This involves determining how much money you’re willing to risk on each trade and adjusting your position size accordingly. For example, if you’re a beginner, you may want to start with smaller position sizes until you become more comfortable with the risks involved.

3. Use Stop Loss

Stop loss is another reliable tool for managing risk. These are orders that automatically close out a trade at a certain price, helping to limit your losses if the trade goes against you. For example, if you own a stock option that is priced at Rs 120 but you expect it to go under Rs 100, you can set the stop loss at Rs 100, so the contract will be executed automatically as it reaches that price. This will limit your loss.

4. Utilize Hedging

Hedging is a technique that involves offsetting your risk by taking an opposing position in a different market. For example, if you already own a stock, you can hedge your risk by purchasing a put option on that stock. Hence, even if the stock loses value, you stand to gain from your option trade.

5. Diversify

Diversification is another crucial aspect of risk management. This involves spreading your risk across multiple assets, rather than putting all your eggs in one basket. For example, you can purchase option across stocks, commodities, and currencies instead of putting all your money in just one. This will spread your trades, and reduce the overall risk.

6. Learn Option Trading Strategies

Another important aspect of risk management is understanding option strategies and how they can be used to manage risk. Option strategies can range from simple single-leg strategies such as buying a call or put option, to complex multi-leg strategies such as Iron Condors and Butterflies.

Understanding these strategies and how they can be used to manage risk is an important part of successful option trading.

7. Practice Paper Trading Option

This is a great way for beginners to practice risk management without utilizing any real money. Many web trading platforms provide a demo trade space in a real-time environment. By simulating trades using virtual money, you can learn how to manage your risk without putting your capital at risk. This way you can also apply different strategies and learn which works best for you. 

Sounds like a lot? A course can teach option trading strategies and other methods in detail.

Why Consider an Option Trading Course?

It is always good to consider taking an option trading course for better risk management. This will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that you can use to make informed trading decisions. The course will also help you to understand the different strategies and methods of risk management that are available to you.

You can find a value-packed course called β€˜Basics of Option Trading’ at to help you get your fundamentals right. The course is created by an industry professional and delivers knowledge of complex concepts in a beginner-friendly language. Here are some topics that are discussed in the course.

  • Fundamentals of option trading
  • How does option trading work?
  • Reading option and option chains
  • Selection of option trading strategies
  • Reading option charts and comprehending option greeks
  • Option trading psychology and much more.

While you can practice option trading by simply stepping into the market, this course enables you to start trading in under 5 hours. So what are you waiting for? Enroll yourself for the course today!


Risk management is an essential aspect of option trading. Understanding how to do risk management in option trading as a beginner and using the right strategies can reduce your losses and increase your gains. 

You can practice using paper trading option, but taking a course is recommended for better risk management. provides a comprehensive course for option traders covering the basics that will enable much better risk management. 

Deevanshu Kumawat

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